
陈力     教授、博士生导师


联系方式:028-85410755          Email:l.chen.scu@gmail.com











1. 新型高效环保阻燃剂与阻燃高分子材料:环境友好阻燃剂的分子创制、材料燃烧行为和阻燃作用机制;

2. 可持续及功能性热固性树脂及其复合材料:基于生物可再生资源热固性树脂的合成及结构-性能的关联研究,基于动态共价键的可重塑、可回收热固性树脂及其复合材料



在无卤高效阻燃剂的设计制备与应用、本征型阻燃高分子材料、刺激-响应热致液晶高分子和基于热致液晶高分子原位增强阻燃高分子复合材料等领域取得了一些创新性的成果,为拓宽阻燃高分子材料的应用提供了新的思路与探索。相关研究成果发表SCI论文100余篇,引用四千余次,H因子38;其中在Angewandte Chemie   International EditionMacromoleculesJournal of Materials ChemistryACS Applied Materials   & InterfacesChemical Engineering Journal等国际学术刊物上发表第一、通讯作者论文60余篇;授权国家发明专利30余项;获国家技术发明二等奖(2010年,排名第四)和教育部高校技术发明一等奖(2009年,排名第四)各一次,四川省技术发明一等奖一次(2014年,排名第三)。




1.  Lei Yu-Fei; Wang Xiao-Lin; Liu Bo-Wen; Chen Li*;   Wang Yu-Zhong. Bio-based removable pressure-sensitive adhesives derived from   carboxyl-terminated polyricinoleate and epoxidized soybean oil. Chin. Chem.   Lett. 2021, 32(2), 875−879.

2.  Ding Xiao-Min; Chen Li*; Guo De-Ming; Liu Bo-Wen;   X Luo i; Lei Yu-Fei; Zhong Hai-Yi; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Controlling cross-linking   networks with different imidazole accelerators toward high-performance   epoxidized soybean oil-based thermosets. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2021,   9(8), 3267–3277.

3.  Yang Rong; Cao Hongwei, Zhang Pengliang; Chen Li*;   Zou Guoxiang; Zhang Xin; Li Jinchun*. Highly toughened and heat-resistant   poly(lactic acid) with balanced strength using an unsaturated liquid   crystalline polyester via dynamic vulcanization. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater.   2021, 3(1), 299−309.

4.  Lei Yu-Fei; Wang Xiao-Lin; Liu Bo-Wen; Ding Xiao-Min; Chen   Li*; Wang Yu-Zhong. Fully bio-based pressure-sensitive adhesives with   high adhesivity derived from epoxidized soybean oil and rosin acid. ACS   Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2020, 8(35), 13261–13270.

5.  龙家伟; 史小慧; 刘博文; 卢鹏; 陈力* 王玉忠* 一种新型含硅氧烷间隔基元的半芳香族共聚酰胺. 高分子学报 2020, (7), 681–686.

6.  Long Jia-Wei; Chen Li*; Liu Bo-Wen; Shi Xiao-Hui;   Lin Xue-Bao; Li Ying-Ming; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Tuning the pendent groups of semi-aromatic   polyamides toward high performance. Macromolecules 2020, 53(9),   3504−3513.

7.  Xu Ying-Jun; Shi Xiao-Hui; Lu Jia-Hui; Qi Min; Guo De-Ming; Chen   Li*; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Novel phosphorus-containing imidazolium as   hardener for epoxy resin aiming at controllable latent curing behavior and flame   retardancy. Compo. Part B-Eng. 2020, 184, 107673.

8.  Liu Xiao-Feng; Liu Bo-Wen; Luo Xi; Guo De-Ming; Zhong Hai-Yi; Chen   Li*; Wang Yu-Zhong*. A novel phosphorus-containing semi-aromatic   polyester toward flame retardancy and enhanced mechanical properties of epoxy   resin. Chem. Eng. J. 2020, 380, 122471.

9.  Liu Xiao-Feng; Luo Xi; Liu Bo-Wen; Zhong Hai-Yi; Guo De-Ming;   Yang Rong; Chen Li*; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Toughening epoxy resin   using a liquid crystalline elastomer for versatile application. ACS Appl.   Polym. Mater. 2019, 1(9), 2291−2301.

10.  Tian Guo-Qiang; Liu Wen; Chen Li*; Wu Gang; Chen Si-Chong*; Wang   Yu-Zhong. Thiazolium as single−group bifunctional catalyst for selectively   bulk melt ROP of cyclic esters. ChemCatChem 2019, 11(15),   3388–3392.

11.  Liu Bo-Wen; Chen Li*; Guo De-Ming; Liu   Xiao-Feng; Lei Yu-Fei; Ding Xiao-Min; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Fire-safe polyesters   enabled by end-group capturing chemistry. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019,   58(27), 9188–9193.

12.  Qi Min; Xu Ying-Jun; Rao Wen-Hui; Luo Xi; Chen Li*;   Wang Yu-Zhong. Epoxidized soybean oil cured with tannic acid for fully   bio-based epoxy resin. RSC Adv. 2018, 8(47),   26948–26958.

13.  Zhong Hai-Yi; Chen Li*; Ding Xiao-Min; Yang   Rong; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Physio- and chemo-dual crosslinking toward thermo- and   photo-response of azobenzene-containing liquid crystalline polyester. Sci.   China Mater. 2018, 61(9), 1225-1236.

14.  Shi Xiao-Hui; Xu Ying-Jun; Long Jia-Wei; Zhao Qing; Ding   Xiao-Min; Chen Li*; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Layer-by-layer assembled   flame-retardant architecture toward high-performance carbon fiber composite. Chem.   Eng. J. 2018, 353, 550–558.

15.  Xu Ying-Jun; Chen Li*; Rao Wen-Hui; Qi Min; Guo   De-Ming; Liao Wang; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Latent curing epoxy system with excellent   thermal stability, flame retardance and dielectric property. Chem. Eng. J.   2018, 337, 223–232.

16.  Xu Ying-Jun; Wang Jie; Tan Yi; Qi Min; Chen Li*;   Wang Yu-Zhong*. A novel and feasible approach for one-pack flame-retardant   epoxy resin with long pot life and fast curing. Chem. Eng. J. 2018,   337, 30–39.

17.  Lin Xue-Bao; Chen Li*; Long Jia-Wei; Du Shuang-Lan;   Wang Yu-Zhong*. A hybrid flame retardant for semi-aromatic polyamide: Unique   structure towards self-compatibilization and flame retardation. Chem. Eng.   J. 2018, 334, 1046–1054.

18.  Dong Xue, Duan Rong-Tao, Ni Yan-Peng, Cao Zhi-Jie, Chen Li*,   Wang Yu-Zhong*. Fire behavior of novel imidized norbornene-containing   poly(ethylene terephthalate) copolymers: Influence of retro-Diels-Alder   reaction at high temperature. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2017, 146,   105–112.

19.  Shen Dan, Xu Ying-Jun, Long Jia-Wei, Shi Xiao-Hui, Chen   Li*, Wang Yu-Zhong*. Epoxy resin flame-retarded via a novel   melamine-organophosphinic acid salt: Thermal stability, flame retardance and   pyrolysis behavior. J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 2017, 128,   54–63.

20.  Zhong Hai-Yi, Chen Li*, Liu Xiao-Feng, Yang Rong,   Wang Yu-Zhong*. Novel liquid crystalline copolyester containing amphi–mesogenic   units toward multiple stimuli–response behaviors. J. Mater. Chem. C 2017,   5(37), 9702–9711.

21.  Zhong Hai-Yi, Chen Li*, Yang Rong, Meng   Zhi-Ying, Ding Xiao-Min, Liu Xiao-Feng, Wang Yu-Zhong*. Azobenzene-containing   liquid crystalline polyester with π–π interactions: diverse thermo- and   photo-responsive behaviours. J. Mater. Chem. C 2017, 5(13),   3306–3314.

22.  Wang Xiao-Lin, Chen Li*, Wu Jia-Ning, Fu Teng,   Wang Yu-Zhong*. Flame-retardant pressure-sensitive adhesives derived from   epoxidized soybean oil and phosphorus-containing dicarboxylic acids. ACS   Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2017, 5(4), 3353–3361.

23.  Meng Zhi-Ying, Chen Li*, Zhong Hai-Yi, Yang   Rong, Liu Xiao-Feng, Wang Yu-Zhong. Effect of different dimensional carbon nanoparticles on the shape   memory behavior of thermotropic liquid crystalline polymer. Compo. Sci.   Technol. 2017, 138, 8–14.

24.  孟志英; 陈力*; 钟海艺; 刘晓锋; 王玉忠. 同时添加碳纳米管及石墨烯对热致液晶聚酯形状记忆行为及拉伸性能的影响. 高分子学报 2016, (12), 1760-1764.

25.  Tan Yi; Shao Zhu-Bao; Yu Lei-Xiao; Xu Ying-Jun; Rao Wen-Hui; Chen   Li *, Wang Yu-Zhong*. Polyethyleneimine modified ammonium   polyphosphate toward polyamine-hardener for epoxy resin: Thermal stability,   flame retardance and smoke suppression. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2016,   131, 62-70.

26.  Tan Yi; Shao Zhu-Bao; Yu Lei-Xiao; Long Jia-Wei; Qi Min; Chen   Li*; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Piperazine-modified ammonium polyphosphate as   monocomponent flame-retardant hardener for epoxy resin: flame retardance,   curing behavior and mechanical property. Polym. Chem. 2016, 7(17),   3003-3012.

27.  Dong Xue, Chen Li *, Duan Rong-Tao, Wang   Yu-Zhong. Phenylmaleimide-containing PET-based copolyester: cross-linking   from 2π+π cycloaddition toward flame retardance and anti-dripping. Polym.   Chem. 2016, 7(15), 2698-2708.

28.  Lin Xue-Bao, Du Shuang-Lan, Long Jia-Wei, Chen Li*,   Wang Yu-Zhong*. A novel organophosphorus hybrid with   excellent thermal stability: core–shell structure, hybridization mechanism,   and application in flame retarding semi-aromatic polyamide. ACS Appl.   Mater. Interfaces 2016, 8(1), 881-890.

29.  Liu Bo-Wen, Zhao Hai-Bo, Tan Yi, Chen Li*, Wang   Yu-Zhong. Novel crosslinkable epoxy resins containing phenylacetylene andazobenzene   groups: From thermal crosslinking to flame retardance. Polymer Degradation   and Stability 2015, 122, 66-76.

30.  Tan Yi; Shao Zhu-Bao; Chen Xue-Fang; Long Jia-Wei; Chen   Li*; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Novel multifunctional organic-inorganic hybrid   curing agent with high flame-retardant efficiency for epoxy resin. ACS   Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2015, 7(32), 17919-17928.

31.  Ruan Chao; Chen Li*; Yang Rong; Zhong Hai-Yi;   Wang Yu-Zhong*. Main-chain liquid crystalline ionomers with a nonplanar ionic   segment. RSC Advances 2015, 5(60), 48541-48550.

32.  Lin Gong-Peng, Lin Ling, Wang Xiu-Li*, Chen Li*,   Wang Yu-Zhong. PBT/PC blends compatibilized and   toughened via copolymers in situ formed by MgO-catalyzed transesterification.   Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2015, 54(4), 1282-1291.

33.  Zhao Ze-Yong, Dong Liang-Ping, Chen Li*,   WangYu-Zhong*. Morphology development of PP/POE blends with high loading of   magnesium hydroxide. RSC Adv. 2015, 5(23), 17967-17975.

34.  Jiang Rong-Kun; Chen Li*; Chen Si-Yang; Long   Jia-Wei, Wang Yu-Zhong*. A novel flame-retardant   acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene system based on aluminum isobutylphosphinate   and red phosphorus: Flame retardance, thermal degradation and pyrolysis   behavior. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2014, 109, 184-193.

35.  Yang Rong; Chen Li*; Ruan Chao; Zhong Hai-Yi,   Wang Yu-Zhong*. Chain folding in main-chain liquid crystalline polyesters:   from pi–pi stacking toward shape memory. J. Mater. Chem. C 2014,   2(30), 6155-6164.

36.  Zhao Hai-Bo; Liu Bo-Wen; Wang Xiao-Lin; Chen Li*;   Wang Xiu-Li, Wang Yu-Zhong*. A flame-retardant-free and   thermo-cross-linkable copolyester: Flame-retardant and anti-dripping mode of   action. Polymer 2014, 55(10), 2349-2403.

37.  Yu Li; Chen Li*; Dong Liang-Ping; Li Liang-Jie;   Wang Yu-Zhong*. Organic-inorganic hybrid flame   retardant: preparation, characterization and application in EVA. RSC Adv.2014,   4(34), 17812-17821.

38.  Jian Rong-Kun; Chen Li*; Zhao Bin; Yan Yuan-Wei;   Li Xiao-Fan; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene terpolymer with   metal hypophosphites: flame retardance and mechanism research. Ind. Eng.   Chem. Res. 2014, 53(6), 2299-2307.

39.  Chen Li; Ruan Chao; Yang Rong, Wang Yu-Zhong*. Phosphorus-containing   thermotropic liquid crystalline polymers: a class of efficient polymeric   flame retardants. Polym. Chem. 2014, 5(12), 3737-3749. (Invited Review)

40.  Zhang Yi; Chen Li*; Zhao Jing-Jing; Chen   Hong-Bing; He Ming-Xin; Ni Yan-Peng; Zhai Jun-Qiu; Wang Xiu-Li, Wang   Yu-Zhong*. A phosphorus-containing PET ionomer: from ionic aggregates to   flame retardance and restricted melt-dripping. Polym. Chem. 2014,   5(6), 1982-1991.

41.  Zhao Bin; Chen Li*; Long Jia-Wei; Jian Rong-Kun;   Wang Yu-Zhong*. Synergistic effect between aluminum   hypophosphite and alkyl- substituted phosphinate in flame-retarded polyamide   6. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52(48), 17162-17170.

42.  Lin Gong-Peng; Chen Li*; Wang Xiu-Li*; Jian   Rong-Kun; Zhao Bin; Wang Yu-Zhong. Aluminum   hydroxymethylphosphinate and melamine pyrophosphate: synergistic flame   retardance and smoke suppression for glass fiber reinforced polyamide 6. Ind.   Eng. Chem. Res. 2013, 52(44), 15613-15620.

43.  Shen Zhen-Qi; Chen Li*; Lin Ling; Deng   Cheng-Liang; Zhao Jing; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Synergistic   effect of layered nanofillers in intumescent flame-retardant EPDM:   montmorillonite versus layered double hydroxides. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013,   52(25), 8454-8463.

44.  Zhao Bin; Chen Li*; Long Jia-Wei; Chen   Hong-Bing; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Aluminum hypophosphite   versus alkyl-substituted phosphinate in polyamide 6: flame retardance,   thermal degradation, and pyrolysis behavior. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2013,   52(8), 2875-2886.

45.  Chen Hong-Bing; Zeng Jian-Bing; Dong Xue; Chen Li*;   Wang Yu-Zhong*. Block phosphorus-containing   poly(trimethylene terephthalate) copolyester via solid-state polymerization:   retarded crystallization and melting behaviour. CrystEngComm 2013,   15(14), 2688-2698.

46.  Chen Hong-Bing; Dong Xue; Schiraldi David A.; Chen Li*;   Wang De-Yi; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Phosphorus-containing   poly(trimethylene terephthalate) derived from   2-(6-oxido-6H-dibenz<c,e><1,2>oxaphosphorin-6-yl)-1,4-hydroxyethoxy   phenylene: synthesis, thermal degradation, combustion and pyrolysis behavior.   J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 2013, 99, 40-48.

47.  Yang Rong; Chen Li*; Jin Rui; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Main-chain   liquid crystalline copolyesters with a phosphorus-containing non-coplanar   moiety. Polym. Chem.2013, 4(2), 329-336.

48.  阮超; 杨荣; 钟海艺; 陈力*; 王玉忠*. 一种基于联苯二甲酸为介晶基元的含磷液晶共聚酯的合成与表征.高分子学报 2012, (10), 1177-1182.

49.  Chen Hong-Bing; Zhang Yi; Chen Li*; Wang Wei;   Zhao Bin; Wang Yu-Zhong*. A main-chain   phosphorus-containing poly(trimethylene terephthalate) copolyester:   synthesis, characterization, and flame retardance. Polym. Adv. Technol. 2012,   23(9), 1276-1282.

50.  Zhao Hai-Bo; Chen Li*; Yang Jun-Chi; Ge Xin-Guo;   Wang Yu-Zhong*. A novel flame-retardant-free copolyester: cross-linking   towards self extinguishing and non-dripping. J. Mater. Chem. 2012,   22(37), 19849-19857.

51.  Chen Hong-Bing; Chen Li*; Dong Xue; Li Liang-Jie; Wang   Yu-Zhong*. Block phosphorus-containing poly(trimethylene terephthalate)   copolyester via solid-state polymerization: Reaction kinetics and sequential   distribution. Polymer 2012, 53(16), 3520-3528.

52.  Chen Hong-Bing; Zhou Qian; Dong Xue; Zhang Yi; Chen Li*;   Wang Yu-Zhong*. Pyrolysis study of poly(trimethylene terephthalate) and its   phosphorus-containing copolyesters. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2012, 97(6),   905-913.

53.  Yan Yuan-Wei; Chen Li*; Jian Rong-Kun; Kong   Shuang; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Intumescence: an effect   way to flame retardance and smoke suppression for polystyrene. Polym.   Degrad. Stab. 2012, 97(8), 1423-1431.

54.  Chen Li; Bian Xiang-Cheng; Yang Rong; Wang Yu-Zhong*. PET in situ composites   improved both flame retardancy and mechanical properties by   phosphorus-containing thermotropic liquid crystalline copolyester with   aromatic ether moiety. Compo. Sci. Technol. 2012, 72(6),   649-655.

55.  Jian Rong-Kun; Chen Li*; Hu Zhi; Wang Yu-Zhong*.   Flame-retardant polycarbonate/acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene   based on red phosphorus encapsulated by polysiloxane: flame retardance,   thermal stability, and water resistance. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2012,   123(5), 2867-2874.

56.  Xiong Wei-Cheng; Chen Li*; Zhao Bin; Wang De-Yi;   Wang Yu-Zhong*. Polyamide 6 with a flame retardant   encapsulated by polyamide 66: flame retardation, thermo-decomposition and the   potential mechanism. Chin. J. Polym. Sci. 2012, 30(2),   297-307.

57.  Xiong Wei-Cheng; Chen Li*; Wang De-Yi; Song Fei;   Wang Yu-Zhong*. Synergistic effects of novolac-based   char former with a phosphorus/nitrogen-containing flame retardant in   polyamide 6. Chin. J. Polym. Sci. 2012, 30(1), 72-81.

58.  Chen Li*; Luo Yuan; Hu Zhi; Lin   Gong-Peng; Zhao Bin; Wang Yu-Zhong*. An efficient halogen-free flame   retardant for glass-fibre-reinforced poly(butylene terephthalate). Polym.   Degrad. Stab. 2012, 97(2), 158-165.

59.  Hu Zhi; Chen Li*; Lin Gong-Peng; Luo Yuan; Wang   Yu-Zhong*. Flame retardation of glass-fibre-reinforced polyamide 6 by a novel   metal salt of alkylphosphinic acid. Polym. Degrad. Stab. 2011, 96(9),   1538-1545.

60.  Yang Rong; Chen Li*; Zhang Wen-Qiang; Chen   Hong-Bing; Wang Yu-Zhong*. In situreinforced and flame-retarded   polycarbonate by a novel phosphorus-containing thermotropic liquid crystalline   copolyester. Polymer 2011, 52(18), 4150-4157.

61.  Hu Zhi; Lin Gong-Peng; Chen Li*; Wang Yu-Zhong*.   Flame retardation of glass-fiber-reinforced polyamide 6 by combination of   aluminum phenylphosphinate with melamine pyrophosphate. Polym. Adv.   Technol. 2011, 22(7), 1166-1173.

62.  Chen Hong-Bing; Chen Li*; Zhang Yi; Zhang   Jing-Jing; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Morphology and interference color in spherulite of   poly(trimethylene terephthalate) copolyester with bulky linking pendent   group. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2011, 13(23), 11067-11075.

63.  Chen Li; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Aryl polyphosphonates: useful halogen-free flame retardants   for polymers. Materials 2010, 3(10), 4746-4760. (Invited Review)

64.  Chen Hong-Bing;   Zhang Yi; Chen Li*; Shao Zhu-Bao; Liu Ya; Wang Yu-Zhong*. Novel   inherently flame-retardant poly(trimethylene terephthalate) copolyester with   the phosphorus-containing linking pendent group. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2010,   49(15), 7052-7059.

65.  Chen Li; Wang Yu-Zhong*. A review on flame retardant technology in China. Part I:   development of flame retardants. Polym. Adv. Technol. 2010, 21(1),   1-26. (Invited Review)

66.  Chen Li; Huang Heng-Zhen; Wang   Yu-Zhong*; Jow Jinder; Su Kenny. Transesterification-controlled   compatibility and microfibrillation in PC-ABS composites   reinforced by phosphorus-containing thermotropic liquid crystalline   polyester. Polymer 2009, 50(6), 3037-3046.

67.  陈力; 黄恒圳; 王玉忠*;   Jow Jinder; Su Kenny. 固态后缩聚方法合成高分子量的含磷热致性液晶共聚酯. 高分子学报 2009, (5), 493-498.




