简 历:
1. 化学与生物传感器
2. 光谱分析
3. 环境分析
1. 2019~2022,以绿色荧光蛋白发色团为母体的荧光探针的构建及其对酚类内分泌干扰物的检测研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.21876117),项目负责人;
2. 2014~2017,基于磁性硅纳米粒子的双功能比率荧光探针的构建及其对环境污染物的检测及清除作用研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.21377089),项目负责人;
3. 2009~2011,功能金属配合物定位断裂剂模拟核酸酶研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(No.20803050),项目负责人;
4. 2019~2022,飞机表面超疏水涂层防冰技术及理论研究,国家自然科学基金联合基金重点项目(U1833202),主研;
5. 2010~2012,高灵敏度多波长发光二极管阵列诱导荧光检测毛细管电泳复杂样品分析仪的研制,国家自然科学基金仪器专项,主研;
6. 2013~2014,生物航煤产品性能评估,横向课题,项目负责人;
7. 2010~2011,飞机维护用化学品对飞机未涂层表面影响试验方法等三个标准的资料编译,横向课题,项目负责人;
8. 2009~2009,液体燃料中可见细菌和真菌计数的标准试验方法等三个标准的资料编译,横向课题,项目负责人;
9. 2007~2008,飞机维护用化学品全浸腐蚀试验标准方法研究,横向课题,项目负责人。
1. Jing Hu, Xiaofeng Yang, Qianqian Peng, Fengyi Wang, Yue Zhu, Xuan Hu, Baozhan Zheng⁎, Juan Du⁎, Dan Xiao, A highly sensitive visual sensor for tetracycline in food samples by a double signal response fluorescent nanohybrid, Food Control, 2020, 108, 106832
2. Fengyi Wang, Haitao Zhao, Jie Liang, Tingshuai Li, Yongsong Luo, Siyu Lu, Xifeng Shi, Baozhan Zheng, Juan Du⁎, Xuping Sun⁎, Magnetron sputtering enabled synthesis of nanostructured materials for electrochemical energy storage, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8, 20260-20285
3. Xiaoying Yuan, Bing Wang, Chenglu Yan, Wendi Lv, Qiuting Ma, Baozhan Zheng⁎, Juan Du⁎, Dan Xiao, A rapid and simple strategy for discrimination and detection of catechol and hydroquinone by fluorescent silicon nanoparticles, Microchemical Journal, 2020, 158, 105263
4. Baozhan Zheng⁎, Xiaoxia Liu, Jing Hu, Fengyi Wang, Xuan Hu, Yue Zhu, Xu Lv, Juan Du⁎, Dan Xiao, Construction of hydrophobic interface on natural biomaterials for higher efficient and reversible radioactive iodine adsorption in water, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 368, 81-89
5. Qianqian Peng, Na Wang, Yue Zhu, Jing Hu, Huaqiao Peng, Lin Li, Baozhan Zheng⁎, Juan Du⁎, Dan Xiao, Hydrophobic AgNPs: one-step synthesis in aqueous solution and their greatly enhanced performance for SERS detection, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2019, 7, 10465-10470
6. Fengyi Wang, Qianqian Peng, Jing Hu, Xuan Hu, Huaqiao Peng, Lin Li, Dan Xiao, Baozhan Zheng⁎, Juan Du⁎, Construction of a ratiometric phosphorescent assay with long-lived carbon quantum dots and inorganic nanoparticles for its application in environmental and biological systems, New J. Chem., 2019, 43, 12410-12416
7. Xuan Hu, Fengyi Wang, Qianqian Peng, Jing Hu, Huaqiao Peng, Lin Li, Baozhan Zheng⁎, Juan Du⁎, Dan Xiao, Construction of a luminescent sensor based on a lanthanide complex for the highly efficient detection of methyl parathion, RSC Advances, 2019,9, 13048- 13053
8. Fengyi Wang, Xuan Hu, Jing Hu, Qianqian Peng, Baozhan Zheng⁎, Juan Du*, Dan Xiao, Fluorescent Assay for Alkaline Phosphatase Activity Based on Energy Transfer from Terbium to Europium in Lanthanide Coordination Polymer Nanoparticles, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2018, 6, 6008 – 6015
9. Fangfang Li, Xuan Hu, Fengyi Wang, Baozhan Zheng, Juan Du⁎, Dan Xiao, A fluorescent “on-off-on” probe for sensitive detection of ATP based on ATP displacing DNA from nanoceria, Talanta, 2018,179, 285~291
10. Fangfang Li, Fengyi Wang,Xuan Hu, Baozhan Zheng, Juan Du⁎, Dan Xiao⁎, A long-persistent phosphorescent chemosensor for the detection of TNP based on CaTiO3:Pr3+@SiO2 photoluminescence materials, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 16603–16610
11. Shanshan Huang,Fangfang Li,Caiyun Liao,Baozhan Zheng,Juan Du*,Dan Xiao*,A selective and sensitive fluorescent probe for the determination of HSA and trypsin,Talanta, 2017,170,562~568
12. Liao Caiyun,Li Fangfang,Huang Shanshan,Zheng Baozhan,Du Juan*,Xiao Dan*,A specific and biocompatible fluorescent sensor based on the hybrid of GFP chromophore and peptide for HSA detection,Biosensors & Bioelectronics,2016, 86, 489~495
13. Li Yang,Liao Caiyun,Huang Shanshan,Xu Hui,Zheng Baozhan,Du Juan*,Xiao Dan*,A selective fluorescent probe based on bis-Schiff base for "turn-on" detection of Al3+ and cysteine by different mechanisms,RSC Advances,2016, 6, 25420~25426
14. Tian Yang,Baozhan Zheng,Hengxing Liang,Yuping Wan,Juan Du*,Dan Xiao*,A sensitive and selective chemosensor for ascorbic acid based on a fluorescent nitroxides witch,Talanta,2015, 132, 191~196
15. Liu Maoping,Liu Tao,Li Yang,Xu Hui,Zheng Baozhan,Wang Dongmei,Du Juan*,Xiao Dan*,A FRET chemsensor based on graphene quantum dots for detecting and intracellular imaging of Hg2+,Talanta,2015, 143, 442~449
16. Wang Dongmei,Xu Hui,Zheng Baozhan,Li Yang,Liu Maoping,Du Juan*,Xiao Dan*,N-doped carbon dots with high sensitivity and selectivity for hypochlorous acid detection and its application in water,Analytical Methods,2015, 7, 5311~5317
17. Xu Hui,Huang Shanshan,Liao Caiyun,Li Yang,Zheng Baozhan,Du Juan*,Xiao Dan*,Highly selective and sensitive fluorescence probe based on thymine-modified carbon dots for Hg2+ and L-cysteine detection,RSC Advances,2015, 5, 89121~89127
18. Hu Fangzhi,Zheng Baozhan,Wang Dongmei,Liu Maoping,Du Juan*,Xiao Dan*,A novel dual-switch fluorescent probe for Cr(III) ion based on PET-FRET processes,Analyst,2014, 139, 3607~3613
19. Ya Ma,Baozhan Zheng,Yan Zhao,Hongyan Yuan,Yuqing Cai,Juan Du*,Dan Xiao*,Asensitive and selective chemosensor for GSSG detection based on the recoveredfluorescence of NDPA-Fe3O4 @SiO2 -Cu(II)nanomaterial,Biosensors & Bioelectronics,2013, 48, 138~144
20. Ling Chen,Baozhan Zheng,Yong Guo,Juan Du*,Dan Xiao*,A Highly Sensitive and Selective Turn-On Fluorogenic and ColorimetricSensor Based on Pyrene-Functionalized Magnetic Nanoparticles for Hg2+ Detection and Cell Imaging,Talanta,2013, 117, 338~344
21. Xiaolan Lan,Baozhan Zheng,Yan Zhao,Hongyan Yuan,Juan Du*,Dan Xiao*,Large enhancement of oscillating chemiluminescence with [Ru(bpy)3]2+- catalyzed Belousov–Zhabotinsky reaction in the presence of tri-n-propylamine,Luminescence,2013, 28, 760~764
22. Wang Liping,Zheng Baozhan,Zhao Yan,Du Juan*,Xiao Dan,A Hg2+ selective fluorescent chemosensor based on rhodamine B thiohydrazide and its application in bioimaging,Analytical Methods,2012, 4, 2369~2374
23. Lixin Ling,Yan Zhao,Juan Du*,Dan Xiao*,An optical sensor for mercuric ion based on immobilization of Rhodamine B derivative in PVC membrane,Talanta,2012, 91, 65~71
24. Zhao Yan,Zheng Baozhan,Du Juan*,Xiao Dan*,Yang Li,A fluorescent "turn-on" probe for the dual-channel detection of Hg(II) and Mg(II) and its application of imaging in living cells,Talanta,2011, 85, 2194~2201
1. 省十二五规划教材《大学化学》(第三版)化学工业出版社,2015;
2. 教材《基础化学》,化学工业出版社,2015;
3. 教材《大学化学实验》,化学工业出版社,2010;
4. 省十二五规划教材《大学化学》(第二版)化学工业出版社,2009。