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英国约克大学Michael North教授访问bwin必赢并做学术报告


2019年5月13日上午10点30分,应bwin必赢邀请,英国约克大学Michael North教授在化学馆321会议室做了题为“Reaction of CO2with Strained Heterocycles”的学术报告。此次报告由bwin必赢余达刚教授主持,冯小明教授、刘小华教授、王天利教授、董顺喜教授、朱剑波教授、成楚旸教授、张琦教授、付绍敏教授和曹伟地教授等老师及学生参加了此次报告。


Michael North教授简介:

Prof. Dr. Michael North obtained his B.Sc. in chemistry from the University of Durham and a D.Phil. in organic chemistry from the University of Oxford. After a postdoctoral post at the University of Nottingham, he held academic posts at the Universities of Wales, London and Newcastle, before being appointed to the Chair in Green Chemistry at the University of York. His research interests include catalysis using earth crust abundant metals, organocatalysis, CO2utilisation and synthesis of synthetic polymers from sustainable feedstocks. He has published more than 200 high-level research papers. As a world-renowned green chemist, he is a visiting professor in many institutes and also received many awards, including the Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry and Chartered Chemist in 1999, Descartes Prize in 2001, and the 2014 Green Chemistry Award from the Royal Society of Chemistry.


