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Phosphine-Initiated Reaction Sequences and Inspiration from a Hotpot

发布时间:03月07日 浏览量: 来源:绿色化学与技术教育部重点实验室

Performing multiple reactions sequentially in one-pot processes can generally accelerate organic synthesis, and reduce the waste produced during product isolation processes. We have applied this concept to variations of the Wittig reaction in which mixtures of alkyl halides and aldehydes are combined in the presence of a phosphine reagent to ultimately afford the desired double bond containing product. Furthermore, we have used the phosphine oxide by-product of the initial Wittig reactions to directly catalyze transformations of the Wittig reaction products so that relatively complex compounds can be synthesized using one-pot reaction sequences involving several simple building blocks in a combinatorial manner. An example of the utility of this strategy is our ability to synthesize tertiary amines that possess three differentN-substituents rapidly in high yields in one-pot processes.

Another area of research we are involved in is the chemistry of hydroxy-alpha-sanshool (HAS) and related compounds. HAS is notable because it is the compound responsible for the numbing sensation experienced when one eats Sichuan peppercorns, and it has many potential uses in the cosmetics, food and pharmaceutical industries. We have synthesized HAS from simple building blocks and are currently trying to identify more potent and stable analogues of it.